As a compassionate and dedicated psychotherapist, I aim to provide a safe and supportive space in which an authentic dialogue and relationship can develop. I strive to remain curious, respectful and to have a non-judgmental approach to their experience of being in the world. I work with clients from all walks of life and aim to support them to identify their needs and how to best meet them by deepening self-awareness and an understanding of what lead us to develop certain relational templates and acquire set responses to our environment. I believe that the ultimate aim of therapy is to have more freedom and a stronger sense of empowerment, rather being stuck in historic loops and templates which do not serve us any longer. In Gestalt therapy, we pay attention to what happens in the here and now. We try and slow down, so that we can identify the different steps within our emotional processes. We are interested in zooming into our relationship, the one between therapist and client, as this can be a rich territory of cues and signals mirroring what occurs outside the therapy room. I encourage my clients to be curious and explore their sense of embodiment as well as their cognitive processes. Our whole history is stored in our body. I appreciate how significant coming to therapy can be and I feel honoured and humbled by the opportunity of being part of my clients' life journey. Please feel free to contact me for any queries or clarifications.
I am drawn to the Gestalt approach for its holistic stance. I am fascinated by the narrative my clients bring and also by what can be uncovered when we take a breath and slow down and also pay attention to our embodied processes.
MSc in Psychotherapy BSc in Psychology Diploma in Foreigh Languages