Tom Maxwell

Body Psychotherapist

Body-Psychotherapy/Biodynamic Massage Therapy

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I am a body-psychotherapist working across Brighton & Hove.

AbuseADHDAdjustment DisorderAdoption IssuesAging ConcernsAlcohol Abuse and Alcohol DependenceAlzheimersAnger Management TherapyAnxietyArt TherapyAspergersAttachment TheoryAutismBereavementBiofeedbackBipolarBody Image IssuesBurn OutCancerCareer CounselingChild or Adolescent IssuesChronic Pain or IllnessCoachingCodependencyContemplativeCouples CounselingCultural and Systemic OppressionCultural CongruenceDepressionDissociative Disorder (DD)DivorceDomestic AbuseDrug Dependence / Abuse / AddictionEating DisorderFamily CaregivingFamily ConflictFamily SystemsFeministGambling AddictionGender IdentityHakomiHistorical TraumaImmigration/AcculturationInfertilityInsomniaIntellectual DisabilityInternet AddictionInterpersonalInterventionKleptomaniaLearning DisorderLGBTQ IssuesLoss or GriefMedication ManagementMen’s IssuesMindfulness-basedNonviolent CommunicationObesityOCDODDPanicPanic AttacksParentingPast Life RegressionPersonal GrowthPersonality DisordersPolitical ClimatePolyamorous and Open RelationshipsPostpartumPregnancy (Prenatal Mental Health)Premarital CounselingPsychodynamicPsychological Testing and EvaluationPTSDRacial IdentityRelationalRelationship / Marriage IssuesSchizophreniaSelf-EsteemSelf-HarmingSensorimotorSexual AbuseSexual AddictionSexual ProblemsSocial PhobiaSpiritualitySuicidal IdeationTest CategoryTourette SyndromeTranspersonalTraumaVeterans/Military ServiceWomen’s Issues

Body-psychotherapy is an approach that works on the understanding that our life experiences, emotions and relationships are not only experienced in the mind but are lived through and impact our bodies in many different ways. Alongside talk therapy, techniques such as Biodynamic massage (a form of bodywork & psychotherapeutic touch), breathing and movement exercises are used to engage with the body bringing awareness to how our experiences are lived and felt, opening the possibility of lasting change. Body psychotherapy is a different process for each person and I aim to support my clients in what feels right for them each session within a safe and confidential space.

Prior to working as a psychotherapist I spent over a decade working for the YMCA as a support worker. It was both a challenging and rewarding role providing a strong foundation for retraining as a psychotherapist. My experience in body work began with my lifelong practice of Martial arts which later led me on to explore Yoga, forms of massage, movement practices and ultimately body-psychotherapy.

Client Type
Type of Session
Fixed TermHome VisitsLong Term (Face to Face)Online TherapyShort Term (Face to Face)SkypeTelephone
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