Catriona Watson

Therapeutic Counsellor

PG Dip. Humanistic Psychotherapeutic Counselling

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Hello and welcome, thank you for taking the time to consider my profile. I am a qualified counselling therapist experienced in working with people dealing with change, transition and obstacles in their professional and personal lives and specialising in cross-cultural situations and challenges. Please feel free to contact me to answer any questions no matter how big or small. I offer a free telephone initial conversation to help us see if we might be a good fit to work together. Following that we would arrange an in person, online or telephone session to begin to explore whether what you want to bring to therapy and whether my therapy style might suit you. Sessions last 50 minutes and my fee is £60 per session.

AbuseADHDAging ConcernsAnger Management TherapyAnxietyAttachment TheoryBody Image IssuesCodependencyCultural and Systemic OppressionCultural CongruenceDepressionDivorceDomestic AbuseEating DisorderFamily ConflictFeministGender IdentityHistorical TraumaImmigration/AcculturationInsomniaLoss or GriefOCDPanicParentingPersonal GrowthRacial IdentityRelationalRelationship / Marriage IssuesSelf-EsteemSelf-HarmingSexual AbuseSexual ProblemsSocial PhobiaTraumaWomen’s Issues

I offer a professional, non-judgmental space for you to be listened to with respect and empathy. I support clients to explore their issues at their own pace and in a way that feels right for you. When I work with someone, I think of what we might do together as ‘putting the big light on’: helping you to consider issues not as individual spot-lit problems but as a part of everything that you and your experiences comprise.

I have an extensive background in education and worked for many years across six countries, including the Middle East and Asia. My work ranged from primary school teaching through working with asylum seekers and refugees on issues of cross-cultural communication, change and transition to cyber security training. I also have experience of diplomatic and army family life and the challenges that type of lifestyle present. I also have experience of boarding and some of the challenges it presents for families .

Client Type
Type of Session
Fixed TermLong Term (Face to Face)Online TherapyShort Term (Face to Face)Telephone
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