Kristina Burvill-Ridler

Psychotherapist (UKCP and BACP)

BA(Hons), PgDip, and MSc Psychotherapy

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My name is Kristina and I am a fully qualified and well-established psychotherapist in Brighton and Hove. I have an MSc in Psychotherapy and hold full clinical membership with the UKCP as well as a registered member of the BACP and UPCA.  My work is predominantly influenced by body-oriented psychotherapy, the philosophy of existentialism and mindfulness. As well as running a private psychotherapy practice for 10 years, I have 15 years experience of working within the voluntary sector for various charities and organisations. Offering support to those experiencing; bereavement, caring duties, addiction, victims of crime, abuse and trauma, physical and mental illness including; depression, anxiety, digestive disorders and chronic pain.

AbuseADHDAging ConcernsAlcohol Abuse and Alcohol DependenceAnger Management TherapyAnxietyAspergersAttachment TheoryAutismBereavementBipolarBody Image IssuesBurn OutCancerCareer CounselingChild or Adolescent IssuesChronic Pain or IllnessCodependencyCouples CounselingDepressionDissociative Disorder (DD)DivorceDomestic AbuseDrug Dependence / Abuse / AddictionEating DisorderFamily ConflictGambling AddictionGender IdentityHistorical TraumaInfertilityInsomniaInternet AddictionInterpersonalInterventionLearning DisorderLGBTQ IssuesLoss or GriefMedication ManagementMen’s IssuesMindfulness-basedNonviolent CommunicationObesityOCDPanicPanic AttacksParentingPersonal GrowthPersonality DisordersPolitical ClimatePolyamorous and Open RelationshipsPostpartumPregnancy (Prenatal Mental Health)Premarital CounselingPTSDRelationalRelationship / Marriage IssuesSchizophreniaSelf-EsteemSelf-HarmingSexual AbuseSexual AddictionSexual ProblemsSocial PhobiaSuicidal IdeationTraumaWomen’s Issues

I understand how extremely difficult, painful and stressful life can be and it can be a hard job to try and manage things on our own. I appreciate that living with daily pressures can mean we can feel lost and lose direction of what we want from life. You may be seeking counselling to talk about the daily struggles in your life, or to gain support with a specific issue such as bereavement or relationship issues. Whatever your reason, I believe that sharing your emotions and feelings freely within an empathic and therapeutic relationship can be incredibly healing. I encourage the first session to be a space where you can have a relaxed chat with me with no obligation to continue. The first session is an opportunity for us to both to find out if we would work well together. I welcome you to ask me questions about my practice and experience and I hope to find out more about your past experiences of therapy and what you aim to gain from the therapy journey. The session fee is £70 for 50 minutes.

Before training as a psychotherapist I worked in prisons, youth offending teams, and the probation service, as a fully qualified substance misuse and recovery support worker. These roles included, advocacy, supporting victims of crime and survivors of abuse, trauma informed psychosocial 1-1 interventions and group work facilitiating. I also worked within the community and local government as a psychosocial family and parent practitioner; providing families and children with therapeutic support, and implementing equality policy in schools for the young carers centre.

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