Jason Halliwell

Schema therapist

Advanced level schema therapy certification

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I live just outside Brighton after moving down from Yorkshire ten years ago. I have many creative interests, music, filmmaking but also sports, motorcycling, fitness.

AbuseADHDAdjustment DisorderAnxietyAttachment TheoryBody Image IssuesChild or Adolescent IssuesCodependencyDepressionDomestic AbuseHistorical TraumaInterpersonalInterventionMen’s IssuesPanicPersonality DisordersRelationalRelationship / Marriage IssuesSelf-EsteemSelf-HarmingSexual AbuseSexual ProblemsSuicidal IdeationTrauma

I am a schema therapist. I work within the framework of schema therapy. This is a specialist therapy used with people with pervasive long term problems. I typically work with people who have tried other therapies and still felt like they needed something further. I use a range of interventions within the schema therapy framework, but the patient’s needs are always central. We work on what you want at the pace you want.

I have worked at the priory hospital, in a prison setting, in the community. I have delivered CBT groups to offenders and one to one work directly with patients in a mental health hospital. I was trained as an advanced level schema therapist in New York by Jeff young, the founder of schema therapy and Wendy behary, an expert in working with narcissism. I work with adults with a range of presenting difficulties and with adolescents. I have previously worked with 15-18 year olds in custody for 9 years

Client Type
Type of Session
Long Term (Face to Face)Online TherapySkypeTelephone

Brighton, hove, London

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